A story about a beautiful lady, her name:Leopoldine, born around 1875, who meant to be the grandma of my husband Dieter. What is so special about her. First I found some very nice pictures of her. We made digital art out of some. Second, I wrote a book in the form of a DVD about "125 years artistfamily Lange". Leopoldine was no artist, her parents had a
mill on the donau yes they had a boat with a mill on it and went to the surrounding farmers for grinding their grain. I found some pictures on the net. When she met Dieters grandpa who was working high on a rope and walked from church to church, she decided to leave her family and traveled with him.
So she also learned an act and became an air acrobat and sang at the same time. They started a little circus. They became 4 children and all were working as artist in the Circus of their parents and started very young.
Fam.Lange with 3 of their 4 children. Ernst Julius and Oswin. |
So, Dieters father also married, her name was Louise, who was not an artist, she too went with the circus and worked as a dog trainer with 14 dogs. Than Dieter, my husbant, when we first met, I was a dancer and very attracted to him and his lifestyle and so I joined him for our lifejourney and me too learned an act and became an Antipodist.
If You like to know more about us, than click the next link, it is a blog I made before.
I got many respons on this blog, but only on facebook. Some people wrote to me that somehow the comment here did not work.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThe comment section works, but it's probably difficult for WordPress folks (especially if they only speak English) to navigate.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThis was a fascinating blog, and I followed the link to your prevbious blog and the YouTube video. Wouldn't have guessed from your fabric art that you had done all those things! Did you perform on cruise ships, or with carnevals?
Hi Joanne, nice that You watched us on Y tube. We were mostly working around the world in Variety shows In Japan Hongkong Thailand and all the countries in Europe. At that time there where hardly any ships with artist also we needed a place high enough to do our performance. We also had a Black theater a kind of magic show. Greetings
VerwijderenWow - such an exciting history! I also watched your video of your performance and was amazed! I've never seen anything like it. Are you still performing, or is that something you did in the past? Very fun!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHallo Surae, Thank You for your comment, Yes that was in the good old days as they say. I still do something on stage now and than and also did many choreografies for circus shows and musicals. But now I am more busy with my textile art, which I hope to do for a long time.