Everything that moves me

zondag 29 april 2012

Mascott's? What is this? Check it out

A family day with our cousins, the famous Mascott's, who live now in a cottage in the north of Germany and take a 3 hours ride for us to get there. We try to see each other once or twice a year. And have dinner together, than we are talking about the good old days. They worked in the greatest plases like Radio City Musical and also together with Sammy Davis Jr. and You can have a look at their performance, here it is.

Ofcourse that was in 1967 now their life is different. They enjoy to be with dogs, and horses and have a very romantic place. I love to walk around the garden with lots of different trees and flowers and collectibles of funny animals, moshrooms, butterflies. You find them everywere out of glass or iron.
Beautiful Koi's in the pond

Bärbel also worked with 14 barzoi's
and they have still a great place in
her heart.
A vieuw from the cottage with 2 horses


Collage made by my husband: Dieter Lange
Our children are still in Showbusiness. More about that tomorrow. 

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