Everything that moves me

vrijdag 5 juli 2013

Yesterday was not so good!

Yesterday was not so good, I felt a little boring. No cat around, No quilt to make, My hubby Dieter on the golfcourse. What to do. I did my Nordic Walking and this time not on the golfcours, but around our town. Not easy to do, everybody is looking at You. I used to run around our city for many years and many people saw me, but know with two sticks in the hands they look surprized. First I went to a more silent place with a lot of green gras that was okay, but I ended right in the middle of our Outlet center there I was probably the first person they ever saw doing Nordic Walking there. But hey I did it and I walked at least one hour. So know what to do next I still have to find my next project I believe I will finish a painting I started one year ago, But I am not pleased with it yet.
Today we brought the beautiful quilt I made for my niece to Mook a little town 1 hour away to  Ingo, he has two lovely girls Nanu and Jayra and we made a nice picture together with them.

Ingo will go to Vivienne to morrow and bring her the quilt. It is a little to far for us to go there our self in the evening. Anyway She has seen a picture of it on Facebook, so I know she will be very happy with it.
This evening we go to en exhibition with 33 artist, so tomorrow I have a new story for my blog.

11 opmerkingen:

  1. I think you should rhinestone those walkingsticks give them a good reason to stare:)

  2. It sounds like you have a wonderfully full and diverse life! What a blessing!

    1. Yes Sheri I feel very blessed. I wonder if You have a blog too. I could not find it. Greetings

  3. Thank You Nicole, Yes I will soon start a new one, but I am not sure if it will be an Artquilt or a Baby quilt.

  4. Sounds like a lovely day. As a painter I'm sure your quilts are gorgeous.
    Let them stare - I agree with @codiart, put some rhinestones on those sticks. Add a T-shirt with "I'm Nordic Walking" just so they know when they ask themselves, "What's that woman doing?".

    Lovely photo with the girls.

    1. Hi Sara, I saw You love crochet and that is also your business. Nice. This link bring You to one of my crochet pieces. Greetings

  5. Reacties
    1. Well it is not that difficult, but it takes a lot of time. Greetings

  6. Nordic walking in the city? That's definitely a sight. Who knows, maybe you'll start a trend =)

    1. Hi Jennifer, Thank You for your comment up to this time I never met an other person on the street with sticks, But I will let You know if that is the case. greetings
