Everything that moves me

zondag 11 augustus 2013

Digital Art new.

Last month I made about 16 small paintings and I have a small exhibition together with many more artist in September here in the Hospital of Roermond. I will have 2 textile Art pieces on Roermond and 2 of this new aquarels showing there. I will make a blog of this event next month. But for now I show You what I did digital with one of this paintings. I love working with photoshop it is fun to create new figures out of something I just made with paint. Like this painting for example
                                  rather colored with ink and framed with black marker

Then the next ste[ is to draw a figure right into the painting, for this step You need a steady hand, which is not so easy for me to do, but it worked out okay this time.
Not a perfect bird ofcourse but a good start to go on to the next step
Dropped in some more color and gave it two legs to stand on . Ready!!
There were about 5 different steps involved to finish the bird like it is now.

10 opmerkingen:

  1. Always coming up with new stuff, great!

  2. Very interesting. I love those birds!!

    1. Thank You Cheryl for making this comment. Greetings from the Netherlands

  3. Hi Coby I am Aurora Murgescu. I like your bird! I worked in Photoshop scenery cartoons. If you need suggestions, let me post on facebook. Regards

    1. Thank You Aurora I saw You do also silk painting. very nice I used to have a silk shop myself and did a lot of silk painting. Do You have a cartoon to SHOW Me. would be nice.

  4. Thanks for sharing the procedure as well as the art. I always find the process as interesting as the result!
