Everything that moves me

zondag 5 januari 2014

Stitch by stitch

This cloth will be like a never ending story. I will call it bird(th)s, like new born, or birds, at least with a few wings. Wings that I would like to have myself. Like angels which I collect. I started this cloth many many years ago, at time I worked in my shop with silks and silkpaintings.
This one is painted on a beautiful silk crepe satin, but when it was painted, I did not like it so much and did not know what to do with it, so I put a solft wool lining underneath and machine stich in the ditch so to say on the gutta lines. That was not  good enough. Now its handstitching a lot and when I am sitting on the couch watching tv. I take this cloth on my lap and do a few stitches, so I believe it gets better every day. There is no rush to finish it. Just see what happens and when I feel that it is done! It could be within a month, or even a year, but some day I will love it.!

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Beautiful! I looove fiber art, so I was delighted to come across this on the UBC Facebook. I also like to hand-stitch while watching tv :)

    1. Nice to meet You too Sonya I have visited your website, You look like a very romantic lady. Greetings
