This message was intended for yesterday, but it became too late for me to concentrate. I know probably many people wrote about the lovely weather we suddenly became, after so many rainy days. I don't want to make anyone jealous, but we were invited by our neighbors to visit their summer home, and we took their invitation. It is not far from here, something like 15 km. But a real lovely place on a lake. They showed us around and after coffee on the terras we went to their boat a beautiful ship with a lots of Italian flair.
Me, behind the wheel
Shiny doors a lovely living room, two bedrooms with shower and kitchen. It has 2 motors so you can go like 70 km. an hour THAT IS FAST on water. Anyway we took off for a boattour, I never could imagine how much water we have around our city. Lovely, this time the captain took a easy ride, and we could enjoy the sunshine and the scenery

We passes many small villages along the river MAAS
After about one and a half hours we went back and had dinner together. This was such a surprizingly beautiful summerday, we all enjoyed very much.
This foto is from the captain and his cute little dog Bart
Mooi gemaakt, super
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGroet Wim van de Tiffany Shop
he Wim ik wist niet dat jij mijn blog leest. Bedankt voor je commentaar
VerwijderenDeze reactie is verwijderd door de auteur.
BeantwoordenVerwijderendit was een foutje van mijzelf.
VerwijderenWow,sounds like a great day!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDat was het ook, ik ben blij dat we weer normaal met elkaar kunnen omgaan.