Everything that moves me

donderdag 9 mei 2013

New Quilt project

Still working with my new Macjournal. If You have an empty space with color you are not so distracted with everything You have to do when You write a blog, like making links and visit first a few websites. Also the pictures I want to put in will follow much later. Today is a lovely bright sunny, but still a cold day and I am not so sure what we will be doing, but we will find time to take a walk in our lovely city. After that it will be time to go upstairs in my studio and do some cutting and piecing work for my new project I started yesterday.

My niece Vivienne asked me many times if I would make a large bedquilt for her and I decided to do her this favor . Her birthday is at the end of June, so if I want to get everything done in time, I have to keep cutting and piecing some nice fabrics together. So here are my first 3 little blocks, I will make them larger, but at this moment I will make about 50 or so blogs all very scrappy but with her favorite colors.

Double Star Block

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